A Python-powered driver Driving program learning tool

A Python-powered driver Driving program learning tool

A Python-powered driver Driving program learning tool

blue river technology, ai agriculture, ai farming, artificial intelligence in agriculture
credit : dzone.com

Blue River Technology uses a Python machine learning framework to develop advanced spraying technology.

New AI farming equipment powered by the PyTorch framework is being developed to help farmers produce more food with fewer resources.

Blue River Technology uses a PyTorch machine learning frame to train robots to identify and weed maps as they traverse the field. Using a list of high-definition cameras, the system directs the equipment directly to spray the weeds, killing the weeds while leaving valuable crops unharmed.

These technologies can be of great help in helping farmers meet the growing demand for food worldwide with fewer land and water resources.

PyTorch was first developed by Facebook AI, before being approved by the company in 2017. The AI   library was later taken over by Microsoft, who announced in July 2020 that it would join Facebook AI as a platform keeper, becoming Windows building technology provider.

Powered by part of Python's programming language, PyTorch is an in-depth open source learning platform built on flexibility and research methods. The library allows developers to build, deploy and add to new AI models at speed.

Chris Padwick, director of computer screening and machine learning at Blue River Technology , said PyTorch was used to train its robotic farming system because of its flexibility and ease of operation.

Padwick said that "Members of the new team can go faster, and the documents are still enough," .

"The flow of research work at the same time and also the framework empowers us to support the workflow model ".

Blue River Technology’s Bona & Spray machine combines machine learning with computer vision to identify weeds in real time. Each frame identified by the camera is analyzed by PyTorch's neural network which is empowered to grow weeds and plants, and record its locations.

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Traditionally, this could prove challenging, since most weeds and all crops are not the same to the naked eye, explained Padwick. By means of mechanized learning, robotic technology can provide a more efficient way to grow plants, reduce the amount of herbicides used to control weeds, and promote sustainable farming practices.

To train machine learning models, Blue River Technology consulted agronomists and weed Scientists to ensure that weeds are well documented. The company plans regular testing to improve the performance of its models using the Weights & Biases platform, making it easier for engineers to visualize PyTorch models during training.

Padwick said that "We have built a collection of internal libraries on top of PyTorch, By the help which allows us to conduct repeated machine learning research," .

"At the end of the day, we just need to build more accurate and faster models for our field equipment. PyTorch enables us to extract faster, then produce our models and export them to the field."

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