Loops in Python

Loops in Python

Loops in Python

for loop,python for loop,for loop python 3,for loop example

The Python programming language provides the following types of loops to handle looping requirements. Python offers three methods for executing loops. Although all methods offer the same basic functionality, they differ in their syntax and location check times.

Lets start

While loop:

In Python, loops are used to repeatedly execute a block of statements until a condition is satisfied. And when the situation is wrong, the line will run as soon as the loop in the program arrives.

Now we will see the Syntax

Syntax :

while (expression):

All statements given the same number of character spaces after programming constructions are considered part of the same block code. Python uses indentation as a way to make its own statements.

Lets see this by an example

count = 1
while (count < 4):    
    count = count + 1
    print("Hello Dudle")


Hello Dudle
Hello Dudle
Hello Dudle

Using an else statement with while loops:

Executes the loop block until a condition is fulfilled, 
as discussed above. When the situation returns incorrectly, the statement as soon as the
loop is executed.The second condition applies only when your condition is incorrect.
If you exit the loop, or the exception is increased, it will not run.

Lets see by an example:

if (condition):
    # execute these statements in the block
    # execute these statements in the block

Lets see the while loop:

while (condition):
     # execute these statements in the block
     # execute these statements in the block

Lets see the combining part:

# combining else part with the while loop
count = 1
while (count < 4):    
    count = count + 1
    print("Hello Dudle")
    print("comes to Else Block")


Hello Dudle
Hello Dudle
Hello Dudle
Comes to Else Block

While Block with single statement:

If the block contains the same statement as I did, the whole loop can be declared in
one line as shown below:

# while block with single statement
count = 1
while (count == 1): print("Hello Geek")


It is advisable not to use these types of loops, as this is an infinite loop that never ends, where the situation is always correct and you must end the compiler. See this for an example of using a loop for iterations. As mentioned in the article, it is not recommended to use loops for iterations in Python.

For loops:

Used for row traversal for loops. For example: Detecting list or string or array In Python, there is no C style for loops, i.e. (i = 0; i <n; i ++). The loop contains "for", which is the same for each loop in other languages. Let's learn how to use loop for sequential travels.

Lets see the Syntax:

for iterator_variable in range:

# Iterating over range 0 to n-1
n = 5
for i in range(0, n):

Output :


Lets see some other codes

# Iterating over a list for this
print("List Iteration")
l = ["code", "for", "dudle"]
for i in l:
# Iterating over a tuple (immutable)
print("Tuple Iteration\n")
t = ("code", "for", "dudle")
for i in t:
# Iterating over a String
print("String Iteration\n")    
s = "code"
for i in s :
# Iterating over dictionary
print("Dictionary Iteration\n")   
d = dict() 
d['xyz'] = 124
d['abc'] = 344
for i in d :
    print("%s  %d" %(i, d[i]))


List Iteration




Tuple Iteration




String Iteration





Dictionary Iteration

xyz  124

abc  344

Iterating Changes by index of sequence: We can also use the index of elements in an order. The main idea is to first calculate the list length and then redirect it over the order of this length range.

See examples below:

# Iterating by index sequence
list = ["code", "dudle"]
for index in range(len(list)):
    print list[index]

Output :


Using else statement with the for loops:
Other statements in the loop can also be included in the loop. Since there are no
conditions for the loop based on which execution ends, any other block will be
executed after the block finishing execution.
The following examples show how to do this:

# combining else part with for looping
list = ["code", "dudle"]
for index in range(len(list)):
    print list[index]
    print "Inside the Else Block"


Inside the Else block

We can use loop‌ for user-defined iterations. See this for example.

Nested loops:

Python programming language allows to use one loop inside
another loop. The following concept shows some examples to illustrate
the concept.

for iterator_variable in sequence:
    for iterator_variable in sequence:

Now the nested while loop

while expression:
    while expression: 

The last note on the loop niche here is that we can place any type of loop inside
another type of loop. For example for loop the loop may be within a while or vice versa.

Lets see by an example:

# nested for loops in Python
from __future__ import print_function
for i in range(1, 6):
    for j in range(i):
         print(i, end=' ')

Output :


Loop Control Statement:

The loop control statement replaces the execution from its normal sequence. When
the execution leaves a scope, all automated objects created within that scope are

Python supports the following control statements.

# Prints all letters except 'o' and 'u' for letter in 'codedudle': if letter == 'o' or letter == 'u': continue print 'Current Letters are :', letter var = 8


Current Letters are : c Current Letters are : d Current Letters are : e Current Letters are : d Current Letters are : d Current Letters are : l Current Letters are : e

Break Statement:

It brings the control out of the loop and stop the execution for letter in 'codedudle': if letter == 'o' or letter == 'u': break print 'Current Letter are:', letter Output:
Current Letter are: o

Pass statement: We use pass statement to write a blank loop. Pass space control is also used
for announcements, functions and classes.
for letter in 'codedudle': pass print 'Last Letter are :', letter
Output : Last Letter are : e In this article i have explained the looping syntax in python.
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