Top Code Sharing Websites

Top Code Sharing Websites

Top Code Sharing Websites for the Developers

Building an app is a big challenge for developers especially if you are a new code or a unique code. Developers often get stuck in their project because of some shortcomings. Sometimes it's even harder to create certain features and when you just want to get the code snippets prepared. In both cases, you may need help from your code friend or coworker.

Most of the time someone else should look at your code to fix the error or give you any kind of help with the project. Here comes the importance of coding sharing websites that help in sharing your code with someone else to fix the problem. These coding websites allow developers to share a specific piece of code, function, or caption code. All you have to do is copy and paste your code into these websites and provide this link to your team member or your friend.

There are several coding websites on the web with various features. You just need to choose the best one for your needs. In this article, we have compiled 7 useful and best coding websites that you can use.

1.Github Gist

Github gist is a popular software development solution for developers. It helps millions of open source developers collaborate, share code snippets, and projects with their team members. All Gists are git repositories, so they are automatically converted, forked, and used as a git repository. You can choose to have a public or private project. In addition to sharing and collaborating it also allows developers or team members to leave a response or code rating in the relevant documents.

2. Codepen

Codepen lets you work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in your browser. In Codepen you basically create a 'pen' which means you have set a piece of code to be shared on the playground. While writing the code in it you can check the preview of the code you are typing immediately. Codepen is an excellent site to showcase your work and see what amazing things other people are doing with the web. You can also check other people's pens which means you can check the code of other developers here. For example, if you want to add tabs to your project you can view the link tabs, customize them to your need and be able to code in your project.
Codepen is also good at problem solving and getting analysis. It supports most popular CSS masterpieces including LESS and Sass. You can choose to sign up for the Pro version for $ 9 a month for better integration with additional features such as private pens, upload properties, real-time interaction with Collab Mode, and much more.

3. JSFiddle

JSFiddle continued and continued to be one of the first coding sharing websites in its league. Using this website is very easy and straightforward. You will find four different panels or lower windows to work with. Each panel is dedicated to writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript code respectively. Whatever code you type in these panels, you can preview your code and check the result in the fourth panel set for the result. JSFiddle has its own nice and clean features. You can enter various JS libraries and it allows you to automatically store your code locally.

4. CodePad

So far any of the websites we mentioned about Codepad are well positioned among them. This website not only allows you to work with HTML, CSS, and JS but also allows you to use different editing languages. You can work on C, C ++, Python, PHP, Java, and many more in addition to standard web enhancements. It is an amazing community of developers who can help you with your code guides to save time on your projects and very few code sharing websites that support multiple languages. You can share your code with the community and you can create public and private code projects in Codepad.

5. Codeshare

The website is very popular for its simplicity, basically, it allows you to share your code with other developers in real time. You do not need to register on this website. All you have to do is copy and paste your code here and give the link access to a member of your team or friend of the code. It has video chat features for better interaction. Remember, in Codeshare you cannot completely save your work, after two weeks, the shared code will be removed from the website.

6. JS Bin

JS Bin is another widely distributed code sharing website that allows you to encrypt HTML, CSS and JavaScript. JS Bin also supports other languages   as well (such as Markdown, Jade, and Sass). The interface is simple and straightforward. The whole window is divided into different tabs. You need to use the tabs to switch to code languages   or to deliver the console, depending on your need. Once you select a tab you will find a panel on the left and center of your code. The food category is reserved to show the effect. You can also add jquery, angular, reaction, and much more libraries.
You can share complete output with other developers and code. UJS Bin also has a pro version. The Pro version offers additional features such as being able to back up your work on Dropbox, using useless URLs, or creating private barrels that are protected from public view.

7. Liveweave

Liveweave is another powerful coding sharing website available with many features. Provides HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript web development solution. You can install various JS libraries and it allows you to use color palettes and other framework management tools. Liveweave has its own CSS code generator. You can use it to produce dummy text with your projects. The entire window is divided into standalone panels coded with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You can write code to these frames independently and view your output output in a separate database panel.

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