The concept of smallest AI / ML supercomputer

The NEC is known for its supercomputers that run vector processor-powered, especially Earth Simulator. Typically, NEC veC analysts are intended to measure prices and uploads for similar tasks, but NEC recently unveiled a platform that enables its latest SX-Aurora Tsubasa processors to work with artificial intelligence and machine learning functionality.

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"A vector-based processor, with a pipeline, is a technology that proves itself to the long ago," writes Robbert Emery, who is responsible for marketing the NEC Corporation's advanced technology for HPC systems and AI / ML solutions.

"The Vector-modified is the middleware-based modification designed to work with the same pipeline reduces the entry barriers for new Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications, and iwe can expect from this to solve today's and future challenges that will definitely come soon experienced by hyperscale cloud providers."

See : Differences between Algorithm and Model in Machine Learning

SX-Aurora NEC for AI

The SX-Aurora Tsubasa AI Platform supports both Python and TensorFlow development areas as well as programming languages   such as C / C ++ and Fortran.

NEC offers a wide range of its latest versions of SX-Aurora Tsubasa desktops and servers that can handle FHFL cards. The most advanced 20-speed Vector processor Engine type consisting of 10 cores operating at 1.6GHz and paired with 48GB HBM2 memory. The card offers maximum performance of 3.07 FP32 TFLOPS or 6.14 FP16 TFLOPS.



While the high performance numbers provided by SX-Aurora Tsubasa look staggering compared to those offered by older GPUs (which is also a component test component), such as NVIDIA's A100, NEC believes its voter testers can continue to compete, especially for details that require -48GB of onboard memory (as NVIDIA 'only' has 40GB).

As an added bonus, the NEC SX-Aurora Tsubasa card can carry the normal packing load on the desktop workspace.

NEC does not publish the prices of its SX-Aurora Tsubasa cards, but those who want to try the product can contact the company to get quotes. In addition, it is possible to try Hardware in the cloud.

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